
Hey there,

My name is Cindy. I am an elementary school teacher living in CA. I’ve lived most of my life in survival mode. I didn’t know that up until recently when I started therapy. I feel like I’m currently experiencing a quarter-life crisis. It’s exactly as described when you Google what a quarter-life crisis is. I feel trapped, uninspired, and disillusioned. This is definitely a time of uncertainty and questioning where I am in life and if this is all there is. There have been some major life changes this year. I met a man and married him within 6 months of meeting him, my mom got cancer, and my little brother passed away. All in the same year. I’ve been going with the flow, not really processing what’s going on. I started this blog to get it all out of my head, I will be telling my thoughts as that is how I process best. In this blog, I will be reflecting, motivating, and creating my best self. My hope for this is to grow and learn from what I am going through and hopefully inspire anyone that comes along the journey with me.